
The prediction of track, intensity and structure of typhoons, especially at forecast lead times from 3 to 7days, has been extremely challenging due to numerous factors. Included are lack of understanding the key dynamic and thermodynamic processes, large uncertainties from the complex environments and internal dynamics, multiscale interactions among different physical processes like radiation, planetary boundary layer process, microphysics, etc. and various geophysical components such as ocean, land and atmosphere, suboptimal assimilation of observations due to approximation and limitations of current analysis techniques, a large gap between the scales that observations and numerical models might represent or resolve, and limited representations of physical processes in numerical models. To improve the understanding of these essential aspects of typhoon forecasts, the grant “Key Dynamic and Thermodynamic Processes and Prediction for the Evolution of Typhoon Intensity and Structure” (KPPT) is funded by the National Key Research and Development Program, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, for years 2018-2022. The grant focuses on the dynamics, physics, data assimilation and prediction of typhoons, especially at forecast lead times from 3 to 7 days. Research topics include the dynamic and thermodynamic processes during typhoon evolutions, predictability of typhoon track, intensity and structure, key physical processes and parameterization schemes for the numerical modelling system, multi-scale ensemble-based data assimilation, effective usage of advanced observations like satellite radiances, and forecasting techniques for typhoon track, intensity and structure. The goals are to deliver forecast products of typhoon track, intensity and structure at 3-7 days in advance, and develop international collaborative and demonstration platform for the western North Pacific typhoon monitoring and forecasting, provide service for natural disaster risk management. A team in which majority of members dedicate to scientific research, development of numerical model and forecasting techniques for typhoon, will build up.

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